Congratulations to Knowingviews (who I believe is Simon from The Simon and Jo Film Show)! He is the second He Shot Cyrus "Thanks for Writing" contest winner! He has one week to get me his mailing address before the prizes are transfered to the second name drawn. If you're Knowingviews, you can send me your address either through Facebook or through an e-mail to
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thanks for Writing [March Winner]
Top 5 Actors I Never Wanted to See Naked
Yesterday, I watched an episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" where Frank (Danny DeVito) wears a hospital gown while performing a three-sixty spin. As if from a sign above, I was inspired to write my Top 5 Actors I Never Wanted to See Naked list. I also wanted to give you all something to comment about. It is the last day to comment for March's Thanks for Writing contest, so let me know which celebs you could have done without seeing in the nude.Jack Nicholson in Something's Gotta Give: Who expected nudity in a Nicholson/Keaton PG-13 rom-com? That's like renting The Odd Couple II expecting to see Walter Matthau's junk. But anyone unfortunate enough to buy a ticket for Gotta Give, received an unwelcome flash of elderly flesh. Jack Nicholson's butt definitely earned its spot on this list. Although, in retrospect, the film's nude scene is way less offensive than the picture I just posted. Whoops.

Friday, March 26, 2010
Free Utah Film Event!

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Top 10 of 2009...finally!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Top 5 Fight Scene Weapons
#5: Chainsaws (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
3 Best Friends: Movies Featuring Awesome Beards
The 3 Best Friends movie marathon series is turning out better than I could have ever expected. The first installment, Movies That Have Been Remade, introduced me to one of the greatest Westerns ever made, an original much funnier than the remake, and a French version of Three Men and a Baby. The second installment, Movies From the Year You Were Born Starring Someone You've Never Seen in a Movie Before, seemed riskier but The Initiation, Suburbia, and Dressed to Kill were great, especially Dressed to Kill. Last night's marathon brought in a record amount of spectators who crammed themselves into our living room to watch three Movies Featuring Awesome Beards.

My friend Aaron chose this movie for his marathon pick. And while Flash Gordon was fantastic, and Sidekicks was even better than I remembered, I'm the most happy about seeing Space Amoeba. Had it not been for Aaron's gut instinct about awesome movies, I probably would have never seen this. I'm hoping you take my word about how great it is and Netflix it for yourself. If you're having doubts, just remember that it's directed by the guy who made Godzilla.'s Japanest title is Gezora, Ganime, Kameba: Kessen! Nankai no Daikaiju. How could you go wrong with a movie like that?
Saturday, March 20, 2010
That Thrilled Me Psychologically!

Friday, March 19, 2010
Apparently, I Have a Type

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Clearing House
Monday, March 15, 2010
Remember that Captain America Excitement?

Look who's entered the running.
Does that picture scream "American Hero" to you?
If Ryan Phillipe gets the Captain America role, should I:
a) move to Costa Rica?
b) melt my face off to become a real-life Red Skull?
c) just deal with it because this movie won't be good either way?
You choose.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Hugo Weaving as Red Skull?
and while these two gems from yesteryear hold a special place in my heart, I'm excited for the first in a potentially great Avengers series. And while I've heard a million rumors as to who'll be cast as the All-American hero, I'm more excited about who will play the sometimes Nazi, sometimes Communist supervillian RED SKULL! And news was released today that Hugo Weaving is in talks to fill the role. I've gotta tell you...this is the best news since the Liev Schreiber's casting as Sabertooth (which was the best news since Kelsey Grammer's casting as Beast).
Any thoughts on this casting (or this movie overall)?
Is this going to be a Spider-Man or a Fantastic Four?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Corey Haim Blog-a-Thon [March 19th-21st]
Corey Haim passed away this morning in Burbank, CA. His later years were known more for drug use and reality shows but during the 1980s, Haim and his frequent collaborator, Corey Feldman, were kings. He Shot Cyrus has decided to host a Corey Haim blog-a-thon in his honor. You can write about any of his films, about his life in general, or pretty anything remotely related to Haim. Send in links to your Corey Haim writings and I'll post them next weekend. The deadline for entries is Sunday, March 21st.
Monday, March 8, 2010
10 Notes About the Oscars
1. Dear Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin, Last Station wasn't one of the ten nominated Best Picture films.
2. "Uber-bingo" is my new favorite phrase.
3. I appreciate that it took so long to make but Logorama is not very good. Thorough, yes. Entertaining, not really. The best animated short of the year, definitely not.
4. "Horror often doesn't get the respect it deserves." -- The kids from Twilight who presented the worst horror tribute I've ever seen. Marathon Man? That was a stretch.
5. James Taylor!
6. Dom DeLuise died? :(
7. Pop n' Lockin' doesn't belong at the Oscars. It wasn't called Fantastic Mr. Electric Boogaloo.
8. Most underrated joke of the night: "Thanks for not considering Na'vi a foreign language." -- Juan Jose Campanella, El Secreto de sus Ojos
9. Only Jeff Bridges has the balls to call him "Bobby Duvall"
10. Alec Baldwin smacking Katherine Bigelow's butt? Way to stay classy, guy.
Overall, I was happy with who the awards went to. Sandra Bullock did not deserve to win but what are you gonna do? Hurt Locker takes home Director and Picture! Precious doesn't go home empty-handed. I'm happy.
Oscar Picks Contest - Results!
Mikkey Filmmaker - 16
Joe Ball - 15
He Shot Cyrus - 15
Tonya - 15
Fitz - 14
Heather - 14
Mig - 14
Reel Whore - 14
Jamie - 13
Heather Adair - 12
Roclife - 12
KnowingViews - 11
Goose3984 - 10
Neill - 10
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Gabourey Sidibe & Carey Mulligan
Bullshit. Utter bullshit. Tonight's Best Actress award will likely be handed to either Meryl Streep (Julie and Julia) or Sandra Bullock (The Blind Side). Bullshit. Utter bullshit. Excuse my rant but I cannot fathom how anyone who's seen Precious or An Education could cast their vote for anyone besides Gabourey Sidibe or Carey Mulligan. The votes should be split between these two--not the Biopic Queens who starred in two of this year's least interesting films. If there is a Movie God, and I'm not sure I believe there is, one of these two talented women will take home a statue tonight. If not, at least Hurt Locker will win Best Picture. Right? ... Right? Bullshit. Utter bullshit.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Feel Sorry for Our Future Generations
1. Have you ever worked for either Blockbuster Video or Hollywood Video?
2. Have you rented anything (movie/game) from BV or HV in the last year?
3. Judging from your interactions with them, are BV/HV employees knowledgeable about movies? On a scale from 1-10?
According to Cinematical, Blockbuster lost $435 million dollars last quarter.
How. Is. That. Possible?
I understand that Netflix, Redbox, illegal downloading, and hundreds of other more attractive alternatives have done their parts to hurt the corporate giant. But really? There wasn't anything they could do? They had to see it coming.
As I reported last month, a number of the Hollywood Video locations are shutting down. Since then, news broke that the Hollywood Video I worked for back in the day is closing down as well. After leaving that job, I worked at Circuit City. Looks like I'm the bad luck charm. It's only a matter of time until the age of Video Store Chains is extinguished.
Mom & Pop proponents can't help but feel a little justified. The corporations which shut down independent rental stores throughout the 80s, 90s, and 00s are now in major trouble. Blockbuster's attempt at online rental services arrived too late and failed to save the already weakening business. Starting last year, they introduced Blockbuster Express kiosks (a la Redbox) but to this day I haven't seen one in person.
I have a theory. There will always be a demand for in-person rental stores because there will always be people too stupid to figure out Netflix. Rapper Lil Wayne sold a million copies of his album The Carter III in its first week while critically-acclaimed artists (such as Mos Def) take much longer to hit those numbers. Why? Because Mos fans are smart enough to download illegally. Lil Wayne fans need Best Buy to get their music. The rest of us just need Google.
And while Redbox's kiosks were practically designed specifically for these dumb-dumbs, you can't count out that stupid people thrive on being stupid in person. Nothing makes these people happier than slamming a "Display Only" case down on a counter and yelling "I want to rent The Blind Side!" which, in turn, forces the poor 16-year-old fat kid who makes up for his minimum wages with over 365 free rentals per year to explain what the words "Display Case" mean even though I know it won't do any good and they'll make me crawl into the return box and look for a recently dropped off copy WHICH WON'T BE IN THERE! IGUARANTEEYOU! IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT! THAT MOVIE JUST CAME OUT! * CATHY STRESS SQUIGGLE*
You know what? I hope they go out of business. I'm sorry 16-year-old fat nerdy kids who dream of getting paid in free rentals and posters but it's just not worth it. Trust me. Plus, most of the people you work with won't know anything about movies. And neither will a large percentage of your classmates in the State school undergrad film program. Get a Netflix subscription and a comfy couch for your parents' basement. You'll make it to your Master's program...someday.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Hell Comes to Frogtown

[Now that's how to utilize a Floating Head.]
In the future, women have obtained social, political, and military power. Don't get it twisted, they're still sexy, but now they have guns. With the future of all mankind at risk, Sam Hell partners up (i.e. has electric tasers secured to his junk) with two of these sexy dominants and ventures into Frogtown to save a harem of impregnable ladyfolk. (They're sexy too.) All seems well and good for the testosterone-fueled macho man until the Frogs catch on to their plan (save the women and then have sex with them).
Do you remember that episode of "Star Trek" where
Captain Kirk sloppily fights that man-lizard?
Have you experienced Hell Comes to Frogtown? Will you now? And most importantly, if you landed a job remaking this movie today, would you stick with frogs? Or are you switching to a more menacing member of the animal kingdom?
Southern Comfort
In keeping with the military theme from my last post, I feel the moral obligation to share a film with you called Southern Comfort. Directed by Walter Hill (The Warriors), Comfort follows a Louisiana National Guard squad at odds with a group of territorial Cajuns. Set deep in rural swamplands, the soliders call on all of their military experience in an attempt to get home safely. But with the homefield advantage going to the French-speaking poachers, the group finds themselves underprepared. And now with the roughest gang of Cajuns on their tail, the band of good guys have to, in a sense, bop their way home.
Walter Hill knows how to direct a group. His other ensemble cast films, The Warriors and The Long Riders, each use their opening act carefully--familiarizing the audience with a large number of characters in a short amount of time. Connections are built quickly; they have to be because in each case, not everyone makes it back alive. In fact, not everyone makes it past the first acts. Comfort's characters are immeditely distinguishable. You've got the Leader, the Back Up Leader, the Guy Who Wants to Be Leader But Shouldn't, The Guy Who Doesn't Want to Be Leader But Should Be. Comic relief, badasses, good ol' boys. They're all here. And they all piece together well.
The action is good. The suspense is better. The Cajuns have booby-trapped the wetlands with bear traps and assorted other inhumane devices. The troops have guns but are low on bullets. And to top it all off, there's a power struggle within the ranks that pretty much guarantees a knife fight. Hill loves him some slow-motion accents but doesn't overdo it. There were numerous times where I audibly yelled (even though I was watching by myself) in genuine shock/excitement. Southern Comfort is cool. You're gonna like this one. And if you don't like it, skip Deliverance.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Pacific

Calling all Band of Brothers fans. Band of Brothers. Calling alllllll Band of Brothers fans. Have I got news for you. On Sunday, March 15th, a 10-part Speilberg-produced World War II miniseries premiers on HBO. The Pacific will follow a group of U.S. Marines as they fight through Guadacanal, Cape Gloucester, Iwo Jima, Okinawa and other of the war's most violent battlegrounds.
Based on two memoirs, U.S. Marines: With the Old Breed by Eugene Sledge and Helmet for My Pillow by Robert Leckie, Pacific's scripts were penned, and its episodes directed, by some of Hollywood's most talented television talent. Most notably, Bruce McKenna, who wrote three BoB episiodes while serving as co-executive producer for the entire series, took the lead on this new series. In addition, famed TV-director Tim Van Patten ("The Wire," "The Sopranos") wrote three installments of The Pacific including the pilot.
With the miniseries premiering in only ten days, it's surprising that I only found out about this project today. When Band of Brothers came out, promotional ads were everywhere. If memory serves, Entertainment Weekly did everything they could to convice the general HBO-subscribing public that it would change their lives. So I ask, when did you first hear about The Pacific? Was it from this post? Have I just been blind to the advertising campagin that must exist? On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you to take another 10-hour journey through the hard-to-watch events of the second World War?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Hollywood's Shittiest Months: May 2010
Iron Man 2 (May 7th): Can't wait. The first one was surprisingly kick-ass and now they've added Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell, Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle, and are following through on their Sam Jackson cameo. I have no doubt that the first film's quality is carry over into the sequel. I will miss Jeff Bridges though.
He Shot Cyrus' Prolific Grade: A-
Babies (May 7th): Talk about Babies has been floating around for the past few months. The documentary follows four babies from around the globe for an entire year of their young lives. They've got babies from Tokyo, Nambia, San Francisco, and Mongolia. While this look incredibly adorable, I feel the need to plug another documentary seemingly related in theme: Ken Wardrop's His & Hers which interviews women from infancy to elderliness in an attempt to tell a single story. Babies looks really good. His & Hers is really good. I recommend them both.
He Shot Cyrus' Prolific Grade: B+
Just Wright (May 14th): A physical therapist (Queen Latifah) falls for a basketball player (Common) she's helping recover from a career-threatening injury. Let's hope it's closer to Brown Sugar than to Beauty Shop. And while I'd rather listen to an album starring these two, I'll gladly check out their movie. Would I recommend that you check it out? Don't know if I can go that far.
He Shot Cyrus' Prolific Grade: C+
Looking for Eric (May 14th): Social realist filmmaker Ken Loach has made another high-quality film that won't be seen by nearly enough people. It's Cannes debut and 89% rating on RottenTomatos might be enough to get some people (hopefully myself included) to give Loach a try but chances are...nobody's going to be looking for Looking.
He Shot Cyrus' Prolific Grade: A-
Robin Hood (May 14th): Hollywood: Did you hear that Russell Crowe's-- Me: No thank you. Hollywood: Just wait a sec, what would you say to a new Robin Hood-- Me: No thank you. Hollywood: Ridley-- Me: I said "No thank you!" Hollywood: But they made Gladiator! *I walk away*
He Shot Cyrus' Prolific Grade: C-
Letters to Juliet (May 14th): I'm open to romance in films. Someone recommends Four Weddings and a Funeral, I'm open. The Notebook? Sure, I'll give it a try. But when I read the synopsis of Letters to Juliet, I realized that I wasn't as open as I thought. As it turns out, the thought of watching Amanda Seyfried and Vanessa Redgrave allow fate to bring love into their respective lives on the streets of Verona makes me want to die. Or at least sleep. For a very long time. See this if you want but I'm skipping it.
He Shot Cyrus' Prolific Grade: B (for 'Boring')
Shrek Forever After (May 21st): They're really doing this, aren't they? The first was game-changing, the second was begged for, the third was graciously accepted but the fourth? Is there really that much more story to tell? I'm sensing a Land Before Time legacy approaching.
He Shot Cyrus' Prolific Grade: C+
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (May 28th): Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. *breath* Hahahahahahahahahahaha. No. No. Nononononononono! Ben Kingsley, help me out here.
He Shot Cyrus' Prolific Grade: D+
Sex and the City 2 (May 28th): I'm going to get hate for this but I don't care. I'm not a Prince of Persia type of guy. I'm a Sex and the City guy. I'll take a fluffy rom-com over a plotless action flick any day. No amount of Gyllenhaal shirtlessness and steroid abuse is going to convince me otherwise. I'd rather watch Kristen Davis talk about sex for two hours. But that's just me.
He Shot Cyrus' Prolific Grade: B+
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter [Breaking News]
Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov are teaming up together (the duo recently co-produced 9 (the animated one not the dancing one)) to produce an adaptation of Seth Grahame-Smith's ("Pride and Prejudice and Zombies") brand new novel. This book came out yesterday and it's already got two huge names attached. I haven't read any of his books but from what I hear, they're not bad. Have you read these books? Let us know what you thought.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Hollywood's Shittiest Months Guide: April 2010
Why Did I Get Married Too? (April 2nd): Oh, Tyler Perry. I made it through the first Why Did I Get Married? without complaints. But then you give me this trailer, as if to say "Oh yeah? Well you won't make it through this!" But I'll see it...just like I see all of your movies. But for my readers, I'm taking the bullet. Don't see this until I give the word that it's safe. In fact, just don't see this movie. People shouldn't deserve to be paid for making trash.
Date Night (April 9th): Three stages of Date Night: 1. Excitement! Hearing the news that Tina Fey and Steve Carrell are starring in a film together! 2. Disappointment... Seeing the trailer and knowing that the movie's a rush-job shoved together in between seasons of their respective shows. 3. Denial. Paying top-dollar to the theater (a.k.a. your dealer) even though you know it's going to hurt you.
Death at a Funeral (April 16th): Won't see this until I see the original. From what I've heard, it's pretty incredible. I've also heard that it's pretty "crummsucky" (new word) that they're remaking it so soon. And even through the trailer does its best to make this look terrible, I trust Neil LaBute. This one could surprise us.
Kick-Ass (April 16th): A red band trailer wasn't enough to convince me that this won't suck. Even seeing Nic Cage shoot a little girl failed to peaked my interest. So if neither of those worked, why do the studios feel that should continue to shove the regular PG-13 trailer down my throat every time I turn around? Kick-Ass annoys me.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (April 21st): If you couldn't tell by now, April is much worse than March. And while this movie has a "should-have-gone-straight-to-DVD" feel to it, I'm not entirely convinced. The cast is phenomenal (Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen, Martin Sheen, Josh Brolin, Susan Sarandon, FRANK LANGELLA, Shia LeBeouf, and my new love, Carey Mulligan) and Oliver Stone is back in the director's chair. This will be one of the shining lights in the dark month of April.
The Back-Up Plan (April 23rd): Modern-day romance at its best. A woman has a sperm bank knock her up only to meet the man of her dreams right after. What is J.Lo to do? "Hilarity" ensues, I'm sure and I'm pretty sure I've seen this before. But one element stands out. Two words: Tom Bosley. Sure, that's probably more words than he'll have in the movie but Mr. Cunningham is guaranteed to make any drizzly rom-com more bearable. This doesn't look to be the worst movie Lopez has ever been in but part of me is still waiting for a sequel called The Back-Up Planner.
The Losers (April 23rd): Graphic novel adaptation follows a special ops team as they're betrayed and hunted down. Okay. Fine. Ho-hum. Jeffery Dean Morgan (or JDM, as I never call him) is talented as is his co-star Idris Elba. I'll see it...but it might be on a Redbox disc rather than a 35mm film reel.
MacGruber (April 23rd): Way to take a 30-second sketch with one joke and stretch it out into a 90-minute sketch with one joke. On the SNL Movies scale, mark McGruber up closer to Stuart Saves His Family rather than Wayne's World.
Furry Vengeance (April 30th): You've got to be f-ing kidding me. Brendan Fraser vs. a bunch of forest animals angry that their homes are being torn down. Some exec said "let's make a GREEN movie" in an attempt to cash in and this is the best they came up with. This makes Daddy Day Camp look like Through a Glass Darkly.
A Nightmare on Elm Street (April 30th): EEEEEEE! The trailer doesn't look that bad! I don't love the lack of personality in Freddie's new face (he looks like a Putty from "Power Rangers") but overall, this could be an damn good fright flick. What I don't understand is why studios don't release their horror movies in October when everyone's monster-minded anyway. it seems that every Halloween, the only scary movie in theaters is the latest Saw installment. Anyone have any input on this?
Monday, March 1, 2010
Not All Dogs Go To Heaven
Apparently, in 1982, Samuel Fuller (The Big Red One, I Shot Jesse James) wrote and directed a film called White Dog in which someone teaches a dog to hate black people. Dave Chappelle's "Racist Dolphin" sketch, anyone? My friend Greg introduced me to this fan-made trailer earlier today and I had to snag it. Controvery surrounded the production as people weren't quick to understand that this wasn't a racist film but rather an attempt at discussing racial intolerance of the time using a dog as a vehicle. Kind of like how Beethoven's 4th serves an analogy for psuedo-patriotism amidst post-9/11 tensions. Right? Beethoven's 4th?
Anyway, Kristy McNichol, of Two Moon Junction fame, stars in this outdated movie. Highlight of her career, I'd say. Ultimately, the film was shelved and never released in theaters. In 2008, Criterion released White Dog on DVD where it was met with little criticism because nobody cared. But now this trailer's making the rounds and causing all sorts of ruckus on the internets. Comments on IMDB and YouTube (as they usually do) vividly illustrate that ignorance and all-around dumbassery is alive and well.
What are you opinions on this movie? Have you seen it? Have any interest in seeing it? Now that you've seen this, are there any other Hollywood dogs that you think may have been trained to be racist? Haha, I'm so bad.
Wait, You Were in That?: Waterworld

(Golden Globe Nominee)
(Lead Singer of Tenacious D)

Alright, who knew he was in this movie?
No cheating. Raise your hands, don't shout out.