Monday, March 15, 2010

Remember that Captain America Excitement?

Last week, I wrote about how (despite the odds) I was actually getting excited for the The First Avenger: Captain America. Hugo Weaving is rumored to play Red Skull. John Krasinski has supposedly dropped out of the running for the red, white, and blue hero. Things are looking pretty good for the first (of probably hundreds) of Captain America movies to come. Then today, things hit a snag.

Look who's entered the running.

Does that picture scream "American Hero" to you?
If Ryan Phillipe gets the Captain America role, should I:

a) move to Costa Rica?
b) melt my face off to become a real-life Red Skull?
c) just deal with it because this movie won't be good either way?

You choose.


Daniel said...

FYI, no matter what happens you should consider moving to Costa Rica. Place is the bomb.

elgringo said...

I don't know...I heard there might be an influx of conservative radio hosts moving in if a certain heathcare bill passes. That's only going to hurt tourism. Not to mention housing prices, haha.

whitney said...

Deal with it and buy a hat just like that.

Daniel said...

Haha, oh yeah, I forgot about the right-wingers...

Jason Soto said...

Depends, what's in Costa Rica?
And at least it's not Channing Tatum.

elgringo said...

Sorry Jason.

Goose3984 said...

I think there could be potential, I mean did we really think Bobby Downing Jr could pull off an amazing Iron Man? what about Edward Norton as the Hulk? A superhero can be found it the most unlikely of places.

Jonny said...

Looks like C is the more realistic option.

And what's with these odd casting rumors for Captain America? I guess you could point to Downey and Norton as "against-type" castings for their big superhero movies, but Downey is infinitely entertaining and magnetic, and Norton is actually a good actor. I can't say Phillipe possesses any of those qualities.

11 Word Movie Reviews/Son of Double Feature said...

Anything would be better than the Captain America movie they made in 1990.

Lunatone said...


Jason Soto said...

(Said in my best or worst Vader voice.)