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"Man On Wire" was absolutely terrific - mixing interviews, snapshots, old film, recreations and keeping the storyline in focus. The pictures and description of the actual walk across are truly stunning. Though you can't help wish that someone had taken some video, in the end it still comes across (and of course it was in the early 70s, so it's not like there were many camcorders around) - with one particular picture garnering gasps from the audience (for reasons that would only be applicable more than a quarter of a century later).
The only others I'm peripherally interested in at the moment are "Vicky Christina" and "Religulous" (though less and less on the latter the more I read about it). Don't know anything about "Frozen River" - great shot though.
I liked Religulous and Vicky Christina.
Man on Wire and Miracle at St. Anna are really the only other movies on that list I'd consider seeing.
Hey Scott,
So, this last Thursday I found out that you a) are engaged and b) moved to Utah. Congrats on both!
Anyhoo... In Bruges should be at the top of your list. It's hands down my favorite film of 2008 thus far. It makes sense that Martin McDonaugh directed it because it has a beautfully graceful, theatrical pace to it. Plus, not only is the story great, I'm actually rethinking my opinion of Colin Farrell's acting ability as a result. See it now!
As for the others, I enjoyed Man on Wire and Vicky Christina Barcelona a lot. Woody Allen's still got it.
Bob - Man on Wire sounds stunning. Glad to hear it's worth checking out.
Paul - What? No love for Tyler Perry or Diane Lane? No...I understand.
Jonny -- Hey man, how's it going. Yeah, Whit and I are getting married in January. We're living in Utah but getting married in CA. Thanks for the congrats.
In Bruges should be here in a couple days, along with Paranoid Park which I also want to see badly.
Did you hear that The Fabulous Stains got a DVD release? I picked it up yesterday but haven't watched it yet. It comes with a commentary track with Diane Lane and Laura Dern. Yes.
Nothing wrong with Diane Lane. It's Nicholas Sparks that I will not give money to.
I've seen St. Anna, Frozen River, Man on Wire, and VCB, and I actually recommend them all, in no particular order. Man on Wire is the popular choice but VCB is pretty fun as well. I missed Religulous but would see it at some point...
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