There's going to be an opera on my big screen and Emmy Rossum's nowhere in sight.
- people who don't want to pay 160 dollars to see
Cirque du Soleil can now watch it for twenty. - movie theatres get to keep a higher percentage
of the ticket price as compared to screening films. - the opportunity for expansion; plans to screen
sporting events, Oscar ceremonies, Presidential
debates, and more are all in the works.
In all honesty, any opportunity for middle America to gain additional exposure to the humanities can't hurt. Maybe Joe Carfactory should go see a live screening of Rent. The real question is: will he? Apparently these events have done well enough to garner funds for additional screenings. With only one or two screens (out of the megaplexes' 12-20) devoted to this boorish example of out-of-the-box thinking, the threat of Hotel for Dogs not getting the number of screenings it deserves might not be as imminent as once thought. Also, let's not feel bad for smaller, independent films. It's not like these theaters were making any room for them anyway.
I wouldn't worry too much over the idea of opera taking over movies if I ever you. Opera (and theater in general) is mostly considered an outdated and boring art form, which is sad but nonetheless a fact. Cinema on the other hand, is the dominant medium of the 21st century. This doesn't necessarily refer to any superiority in favor of cinema but considering the current social conditions and technological developments, the interest in movies is exponentially growing (although the box offices are not, thanks to the internet)
I like the idea of using a big screen to view big events (political rallies, award ceremonies, sports - just imagine the Olympic opening ceremony at your local multiplex) but I can't see theatre and opera taking off.
And not because I agree with your last poster - the idea of theatre in general being outmoded and boring shows a distinct lack of experience, or maybe good experience, of seeing live shows.
The simple fact is that good theatre works becuase it's live, you can feel the actors on stage and the actors can feel and respond to the audience. Every performance every night is subtly different from any other. Being there wih other people is far more fundamental to the theatre than the cinema which is why it will never really take off watching it on the cinema.
I've noticed this too... but haven't worried about it replacing movies one bit. If it can help subsidize the theaters, and keep more of them open, I'm all for it. I haven't taken advantage of it, because I don't have much of an interest in Opera or a Miley Cyrus concert, but may do so in the future. It'd be very cool to go watch the Superbowl, with a crowd and the huge screen.
What I Watched Last Night
This is going to be a debate that rages for some time. I actually posted my thoughts on the subject last spring, and I still find it endlessly fascinating. There IS no clear cut answer.
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