Want to get a job at a movie theatre? Try watching the same film (the only film they're showing) seven times in a week. That should get the owner's attention. That's exactly what I did. The historic
Granada Theater was showing some film called
Tortilla Soup. I had nothing to do one night, thought I'd check it out.
From the first second, the film's
music and colors grabbed me and guided me through ninety agreeable minutes. I went back the next night. I took a friend the night after that.
Tortilla Soup and I became quick friends. So did my
future boss and I.
9/11 had just happened and people were
acting all funny. Some people weren't going to movies much anymore. Some couldn't get enough, maybe they were trying to enjoy every last moment of freedom. My movie habits didn't change. Seeing a movie seven times in theatres is no new experience for me.
During those first few nights, the owner, Howard, and I chatted about what a good movie this was. A Latino remake of
Ang Lee's Eat Drink Man Woman, it focused on the food just as much as it did the characters. Not a film for everyone, a bit corny for some, less of a masterpiece than I had described it, etc.
Something about the movie and something about the theatre kept bringing me back. I never considered applying for a job until the seventh night. By then, Howard and I were talking film all the time. He would tell me how, way back in the day, the theatre used to
give out dishware to every customer. Mondays would be a plate, Tuesdays would be a cup, etc. You'd have to come every night to get an entire set. Apparently it worked. Decades later, the theatre was still up and running.
From the lobby, I could see into the back room. It was filled with
movie posters. In high school, my room was 100% covered in posters. You couldn't see the walls/ceiling at all. I don't know why we even bothered painting. Getting my hands on these posters would be like
finding the Holy Grail.
My friend and I offered to work for free posters but I wound up getting a real job offer. I started two days later. Next thing I knew, I was tearing tickets, popping popcorn, and cleaning up after the messiest people in the county.
It was the greatest!
Working at a movie theatre was a dream come true.
Free movies. Free food. Talking about film all day. I even got to help my boss
choose which movies to play! We decided to run
El Crimen del padre Amaro, a controversial film about a Catholic priest who has a relationship with a teenage girl. Every night,
the place was packed. Half way through the film,
the place was half empty. People were storming out of the theatre, yelling at me like I had made the movie.
I worked at the Granada until the business sold. The last two films we played were
My Big Fat Greek Wedding and
Chicago. We closed the doors after letting out
sell-out crowds. The people who bought the Granada promised that they would still continue to cater to the
Art House crowds. After playing
The Pianist for a single week, the marquee read "Vin Diesel in
A Man Apart." Sad.
Today, the Granada no longer plays movies. My boss moved across the country without giving anyone his address. I moved to another town and got a job at a corporate video store. I'll have to write a "My Worst Job" post later. Every time I'm back in town, I drive past my best workplace. It houses a
community theatre group now. Sad.
Working at a one-screen, art house movie theatre was my best job. Somehow, Hollywood Video and Circuit City can't really compete. If I can say one last thing, it would be to tell you to support independently owned businesses.
Especially movie theatres. Get to know the employees. Make it a habit to drive the extra ten minutes to the tiny movie house. Maybe you'll get a job there and have an excellent eighteen months filled with
free nachos and movie posters.